International commercial B2B Workshop
The Borsa del Turismo Fluviale e del Po, inaugurated in 2010, aims to build the 'Po product', developing the ability to act as a system to promote the hospitality and friendliness of a territory, in symbiosis with water, in international tourist circuits.
The Borsa del Turismo Fluviale e del Po is promoted by Confesercenti Emilia Romagna, Union of Municipalities of Lower Reggiana, Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia, Apt Servizi Emilia Romagna, Tourist Destinations Emilia and Romagna and is sponsored by Enit, Emilia Romagna Region, Province of Reggio Emilia and the various municipalities involved in the event.
The core of the event will be the B2B International Trade Workshop, which will involve Italian and European T.O. interested in green tourism, navigation, cycling, nature, active holiday but also art, culture and food and wine, who will meet Italian tourism operators from all regions along the auction of the Great River and other Italian coastal realities.
The particular historical period in which we find ourselves has stimulated us to find alternative, but equally effective, ways to maintain our appointment that over the years has become more and more an important showcase for the promotion of the territories along the Po River and the potential of river tourism, an experience able to open up commercial opportunities for Italian operators in these lands and a valuable opportunity to make known this important tourist reality of our country in Europe and in the world.
The BTPO 2020 Commercial Workshop will take place on Saturday 19 September 2020, on scheduled appointments, for the first time completely ONLINE.